Sunday, January 18, 2009

Thing #1...And so it begins....

I have been looking forward to the start of 23 things by Neflin. Working in an academic library setting has allowed me to stay fairly current with library technology. Like most everyone though, I hear buzzwords about Library 2.0 applications I know nothing about. RSS feed for one and twittering. Some applications I know a little about like IM, and youtube.

It was comforting to hear during the video of Stephen Abrahms explaining the 23 things, that he has trouble with SKYPE since that is my current dilemma.

As libraries immerse themselves in technology; I, as a para-professional will be a more useful member of the library team if I keep up.

With a time investment of only 15 minutes per day to learn a variety of library 2.0 tools, this is definitely something worth doing.

I also look forward to networking with other Neflin members.

I'm excited and about to push the button to publish my first blog. Woo Hoo!

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